State-Level Effects of Transitional Justice: What Do We Know?
International Journal of Transitional Justice 4:3 (November 2010), pp. 329-354 Abstract: At the core of policy debates on the...
Lethal Drones Strike at Our Very Heart
Globe & Mail The revolution in robotic warfare is about to go global. Many countries are trying to develop or acquire remote-controlled...
Crowd-sourcing Terror in Norway
Ottawa Citizen Soon after it emerged that the perpetrator of last week’s horrific attacks in Norway was a white anti-Muslim reactionary...
A powerless Gadhafi could stay in Libya, some NATO countries concede
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After the Fall of Gadhafi
Globe & Mail If the situation in Libya seems messy, just wait until the war ends. Transitions to democracy can be nasty, brutish and...
Ordering the World: Academic Research and Policymaking on Fragile States
International Studies Review 13:1 (March 2011), pp. 58-71 Abstract: The gap between academic research and policymaking in international...
Canada and the UN Security Council
Panel discussion on CPAC Watch here. "The Centre for International Policy Studies (CIPS) at the University of Ottawa, organized a...
After Afghanistan
TVO The Agenda "What is Canada's military going to do after the 2011 scheduled end to the Afghanistan combat mission? What do you think...
Security Council rejection a deep embarrassment for Harper
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