Disillusionment breeds frustration in US allies
The lightning collapse of Afghanistan’s government reminded everyone of painful realities they preferred not to face.
States of Mind: The Role of Governance Schemas in Foreign-Imposed Regime Change
International Relations 29:2 (2015), 139-76.
Evolution or Escalation? Canada's Military Mission in Iraq
Centre for International Policy Studies, University of Ottawa, Policy Brief no. 26 (January 2015).
The Truth About Afghanistan
Policy Options (March-April 2014), pp. 26-33
Kabul’s Restaurant Attack Hurt by Driving Afghans, Foreigners Further Apart
Globe and Mail Since news broke of Friday’s horrific suicide attack on the largely foreign clientele of a Lebanese restaurant in Kabul,...
Afghanistan: What Went Wrong?
Perspectives on Politics 11:2 (June 2013), pp. 538-548 The US-led invasion of Afghanistan in October 2001, which deposed the Taliban...
Is Corruption the Cost of Saving Afghanistan?
Globe & Mail It was fitting that last weekend’s international donors’ conference on Afghanistan took place in Tokyo: The event...
Afghanistan: War Without Victory | Interview on TVO
Panel discussion on TVO The Agenda "Canada stepped into Afghanistan in 2001. Almost 11 years later, what was accomplished, and what are...

After Afghanistan
TVO The Agenda "What is Canada's military going to do after the 2011 scheduled end to the Afghanistan combat mission? What do you think...

Assessing Afghanistan
TVO The Agenda "Have we made a difference, and was it worth it?"

Don't Pull Out Every Soldier
Ottawa Citizen Canada can make a huge difference by leaving a small contingent of military trainers in Afghanistan after the 2011...

The Final Chapter of Our Afghan Mission
Globe & Mail Canada's military mission in Afghanistan is slated to end in 2011, but it is far from over. Contrary to reports that Canada...

In Afghanistan, One Last Shot
Globe & Mail Obama will conclude that this isn't the time to withdraw, but he's also unlikely to tolerate failure much longer Now that...
Afghanistan and Mixed Messages
TVO The Agenda Mixed messages: what a widening war, an opening to the Taliban, and new troop commitments means to Canada's role in...

Comments on Canada's Role in Afghanistan
PBS Newshour Watch the full video here. "TOM BEARDEN: The economy isn't the only relationship on Canadians' minds. About 2,800...