Canada's military needs to prepare for war
There is no alternative but to prepare our military to fight in a large-scale modern conflict – frightening as that may sound.

Iran Missile Strikes in Iraq | CBC Radio
Interview on CBC Radio, 8 January 2020.
Six Takeaways from the Defence Department's Latest Poll of Canadians
Canada's Department of National Defence has released the results of a public opinion survey conducted by the Earnscliffe Strategy Group...

Canada’s Military Spending Is Now Less than Half of NATO’s Target
CIPS Blog Last year I blogged about the decline in Canadian military spending as a percent of gross domestic product (GDP). The most...

Canadian Mission Creep in Iraq? A CIPS Debate – Part 1
CIPS Blog For Parts 2 and 3 of this CIPS debate, see the posts by Thomas Juneau and Philippe Lagassé. Published in the Globe and...
Evolution or Escalation? Canada’s Military Operation in Iraq
CIPS Blog In a new CIPS policy brief on Canada’s war in Iraq, Roland Paris addresses the following questions: Is Canada engaged in...

Mistral Misunderstandings
CIPS Blog Have you seen the reports that Canada is thinking about purchasing one or both of the Mistral-class warships that France has...
Two Priorities for the Canadian Forces
How should we define the priorities of the Canadian Forces? Steve Saideman raises this question in his latest post. In my view, the CF...