Human Security: Reasons for Hope
Despite disturbing international trends for civilian protection and human security, hope is still warranted and necessary.

The Future of UN Peace Operations: Pragmatism, Pluralism, or Statism?
Published in International Affairs , September 2024 Abstract: Although United Nations peace operations have played an important conflict...

2022 Mark Zacher Distinguished Speaker lecture: "The Ukraine Crisis and the New World Disorder"
UBC hosted Roland Paris as the 2022 Mark Zacher Distinguished Speaker for a talk titled, "The Ukraine Crisis and the New World Disorder"

The Right to Dominate: How Old Ideas about Sovereignty Pose New Challenges for World Order
International Organization 74:3 (Summer 2020), pp. 453-489.
Disunited Democracies Cannot Face the Challenge of China
Chatham House, June 2020. Democratic states must settle on an approach to China that combines clarity of purpose, resolve and restraint.
In a Nastier World, 'Pooling Risk' is a Smart Strategy for Democratic Middle Powers
Twenty-two democratic countries, including Canada, signed a letter earlier this week condemning China's mass detention of ethnic Uighurs
Can Middle Powers Save the Liberal World Order?
Chatham House, June 2019. Many middle powers have been warning about threats to the rules-based order. Now they need to act.
Canada Is on the Front Lines of Challenges to Rule of Law
Chatham House, January 2019. China’s "hostage diplomacy" poses a challenge to all countries that uphold the rule of law.
Khashoggi murder case a test for despots everywhere
Published in Toronto Star The disappearance and possible murder of Saudi dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi is an important test case...